Accueil -> Timbre -> 1999 -> Wings of Prey 1
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Wings of Prey 1
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Wings of Prey 1 (view technical specs)
Wings of Prey 1
Les timbres font une comparaison entre Ie ljturofighter Typhoon», Ie «H,nrier GR71> et Ie I(Tornado Fh,de la RAF etles rapaces flf.esser Keqrel') ~Kestrel» el Peregrine ralcon~
Technical Specs
Conception: | Stephen Perera / Mike Atkinson |
Illustration/photographie: | GPBL |
Imprimeur: | Cartor security printers |
Processus: | Offset Lithography |
Couleurs: | Multicoloured |
Dimension: | Set: 30 x 40mm M/S: 105 x 86mm |
Date d'�mission:: | 1999-06-17 |
Valeurs: | 30p, 30p, 30p, 42p, 42p, 42p |