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Wings of Prey III

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Wings of Prey III

Wings of Prey III (view technical specs)

The third and final issue in the Wings of Prey series depicts the RAF Jaguar GR1B alongside the Hobby (Falco subbuteo); the RAF Hawk T Mk. 1 alongside the Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) and the Royal Navy Sea Harrier FA Mk. 2 alongside the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus).

Technical Specs

Design:Stephen Perera / Mike Atkinson
Illustration / Photography:GPBL
Printer:House of Questa
Process:Offset Lithography
Stamp size:Set: 30 x 40mm M/S: 103 x 84mm
Issue date:2001-09-03
Stamp Values:40p, 40p, 40p, 40p, 40p, 40p